U.S. Scholar Grantee Resources


Welcome to a community of Fulbright Scholars from around the world who have been selected not only for their academic and professional excellence, but also for their leadership potential, to teach, conduct research, exchange ideas, and contribute to finding solutions to shared international concerns. The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) partners with the Institute of International Education’s Council for International Exchange of Scholars (IIE) to administer the Fulbright Program for U.S. faculty, administrators and professionals. For additional information on the history and administration of the program, please visit: FulbrightScholars.org

Announcing your Fulbright Award
Share the great news about your Fulbright award using this sample press release.

Fulbright Contacts

There are multiple entities to support Fulbright Scholars both before departing for grants and while on grant.  

IIE is the cooperating agency that assists ECA with administering the Fulbright Program. Binational Fulbright Commissions, most of which are funded by the United States and the partner government, are in 49 countries and are the primary contacts for Fulbright grantees hosted in those countries. For countries without a Fulbright Commission, the Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the U.S. Embassy (Post) supports Fulbright grantees.  

Determine if there is a Fulbright Commission in your host country

 Fulbright Commission U.S. Embassy (Post)IIE
Fulbright grantee going to Post country N/A
  • Provides support to Fulbright grantees ahead of departure by advising on visas, travel and entry procedures, housing, schools if applicable, etc. 
  • Serves as primary contact while grantee is in host country


  • Reviews submitted pre-departure documents 
  • Issues grant document and quarterly payments and provides instructions on travel
  • Serves as an additional resource while grantee is in host country and advises the grantee throughout their experience
Fulbright Grantee going to Commission 
  • Provides support to Fulbright grantees ahead of departure by advising on visas, travel and entry procedures, housing, schools if applicable, etc. 
  • Issues grant document, payments, and provides instructions on travel
  • Serves as primary contact while grantee is in host country
  • Reviews submitted pre-departure documents 
  • Serves as an additional resource while grantee is in host country 


When first selected for a Fulbright award, IIE will send an introductory email that not only describes whether grantees will be traveling to a Commission or Post country but also provides grantees with the names and contact information for in-country points-of-contact. When in doubt, please refer back to this email and reach out to IIE with any questions. Find IIE advisors here: FulbrightScholars.org/fulbright-us-program-advisors.

For grantees to a Commission country, the Commission will be the primary contact while on grant in the host country. They will provide grant documents, determine or approve grant dates, issue grant payments and provide instructions regarding visas and travel. IIE is not able to provide this information for Commission grantees; IIE is the secondary, U.S.-based contact. 

For grantees to a Post country (without a Commission), IIE will be the primary contact, assisting grantees during pre-departure and throughout the grant experience. IIE will assist with questions related to grant administration and will provide grant documents, grant payments, and instructions regarding travel. The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy (Post) facilitates arrangements for grantees in country, approve grant dates, and serves as the main point-of-contact for questions related to a grantee’s experience in the host country, including visa-related matters, travel entry, and exit procedures.  

IIE Participant Portal

All required Fulbright documents will be submitted to IIE via the IIE Participant Portal. View the IIE Participant Portal Guide for instructions on how to use the system.


1. Uploading Required Documents

Grantees must submit pre-departure documents required by IIE through the IIE Participant Portal. Uploaded documents will be reviewed by IIE. If a document is incomplete or is not required for a particular grantee, it will be rejected and the grantee will receive an automated email notifying them of what document has been rejected and what must be revised before re-uploading it to the portal. Grantees may verify the approval status of documents anytime by logging into the portal.

Note for Commission grantees: While Fulbright Commissions have access to some IIE required pre-departure documents in the portal, they may request additional information or documents that should be shared directly with them.

2. Updating Mailing Address and Emergency Contact Information

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program requires all grantees to have a permanent residential address on file. The address should be in the United States and in the accepted U.S. Postal Service format, and should be valid before, during and immediately following the grant period. This address can be updated in the Mailing Address section of the IIE Participant Portal. Please note mailing addresses should not be the address in the host country (see Entering Physical Address). Emergency contact information can also be updated here. 

3. Entering Physical Address (Host Country Address)

This is the contact information in the host country. Once grantees have an address in the host country, go to the IIE Participant Portal to update the physical address field. 

4. Updating Email Address

Please ensure that IIE has a valid, current email address on file. We recommend using a permanent, personal email address rather than a university email address, as these tend to expire. Grantees can change or update email addresses in the IIE Participant Portal.

For grantees to Post countries, IIE will use the primary email address listed in the portal to send payments through Zelle. Ensure the email address on file with your bank matches the primary email address on file with IIE.

5. Confirming Arrival in Host Country

Confirm the arrival date in the IIE Participant Portal after landing in the host country.